Friday, February 1, 2008

No Pictures right now but....

I should probably give a much needed update anyway!
So Christmas was good for us. We had so much fun with the boys even though the morning started a little "early". Chandler is quietly "yelling" down from the upstairs "Mom, Dad it's time to open presents". So Bryant looks at his watch and says "It's 5:45 we better get up". I'm thinking okay, 5:45 isn't too bad... So we get up turn on all the Christmas lights (we left Hunter sleeping) and told the boys to come down. As they are looking at what Santa brought them I go in the kitchen for a drink and glance at the clock that now says 3:50 A.M. I almost killed Bryant for his watch reading skills, but we were all already awake so there was no turning back.
New Years was pretty uneventful for us, unless you consider each of us taking turns throwing up an event! We had a pretty bad case of the stomach flu go through our house starting with Chandler & Bryant on New Years Eve day, then Kayden the next day and me the following TWO days...luckily Hunter never got it.
On the 11th (of January) Kayden turned 8! We had a party at our house and invited a bunch of his friends. We had a "Wii Tournament of Champions" competition. The kids had a ball and it was pretty fun to watch. I have a really funny video of Hunter boxing that I'll have to try and figure out how to post!
On the 19th Kayden was baptized! We were so proud of him and it was such a wonderful day! We had a lot of family come and we were so grateful for the support! He really is a great kid and it was a very special day! Hunter keeps asking me when it's his turn to get baptized. Even a 4-year-old could feel the Spirit there that day. Awesome!
Our lives otherwise are pretty much the same! Bryant works all the time, I type all the time and the boys are enjoying Nash (our puppy) and playing the Wii. I have to admit that Bryant and I have even played with them several times and had a great time! I really like Guitar Hero III, but we all have SOOO much fun playing the Carnival games.
Sorry Teesha that I don't have any pictures right now. I have been a total slacker lately taking pictures! I promise I will start taking lots and post them for you!


Anonymous said...

what's your name again? haha, of course i don't hate you..i'm not allowed, you're my sister. ;) that'll be good to get more emails from you AND pictures, i'm holding you to that promise! tell your boys hi and that i love them and joel loves them, and i love you and miss you too! sounds like you had a really early christmas haha, we followed you close though..we got up at 4 am, by choice! our kids are going to love us.

LACY said...

WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME! I missed ya. Sounds like you had a great holiday!

The Jones Family said...

I know what you mean about the wii I don't really even like video games that much and I seem to keep playing them with Ryan!