Friday, September 21, 2007

Our Busy Days!!!!

Wow! I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted! Thank you to everyone who voted for Hunter! The voting ends next Tuesday, and then I'm not sure what happens after that!
So things have been pretty busy for us. Football is going great! The boys both won again this last Saturday by pretty good margins! It is so fun to watch them. Beau and Brigette came to Chandler's game to cheer him on. It was really hot that day, and grandpa Darwin found Beau the perfect spot to cool down!

We are excited for our games tomorrow!
Hunter and I have kept busy playing with Beau each day. He helps me feed him:

From the mess he made, you wouldn't believe that I have fed three babies baby food before him! I thought I was a pro, but Beau humbled me very quickly! In my defense though, it was a "chunky" food that he had never eaten before! Hahahaha!!!
The other day Brigette brought Beau over to drop him off for the day and Hunter started "reading" him a book. Brigette and I couldn't believe how still he sat and how intently he listened to Hunter's story-telling. It was soooo cute. They played "footsies" the whole time he read!

I apologize for Hunter's attire, but he had just gotten out of bed!
Today Beau has been in a really good mood! He has been laughing and playing with Hunter all day! When I took Beau's shirt off so he could eat it got "stuck" on his head and Hunter thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen! Of course, I thought it was the cutest thing I've ever seen!

After all that fun, Beau couldn't take much more, so after he was fed & bathed he gave out on us!

And I don't think Hunter is very far behind him.

He was almost asleep, but you know Hunter, he can't take a picture without a big, cheese grin on his face. One more episode of Spongebob and I think he'll be down for the count!
So, that is the way we spend our will be very quiet around here after next week when we don't have Beau to play with anymore! I better get busy trying to come up with activities to keep Hunter busy!!! Teesh-hope you enjoy the pictures :0)


The Jones Family said...

Cute pictures Tina!! Im going to miss Brigette and Beau too, I can't even imagine how you feel. Im glad you shared with us, I don't get to see them all very often!!!

teesha & joel said...

yayyy thanks for the pictures. i know i already told you this, but beau is getting so big!! and hunters such a cutie, haha wish i could've been there to hear him "read" the story. joel thinks your lucky you get to watch sponge bob so often with hunter, haha i think he's crazy. love you!

Britttany said...

fun post tina! those pics of hunter reading to beau are so precious! haha. love it! i'm going to miss beau to... do you think michael and brigette will not take beau & let him stay here when they move? it's worth asking! haha!