Monday, September 10, 2007

To My Extended Family!!

So it has been a couple of weeks since I have been to Granny's house for dinner (until last night). While laying in bed last night I realized how grateful I am to have such an awesome family. Granny & Pop started the AWESOME tradition of Sunday dinners a LONG time ago. I still remember it being the highlight of my Sunday when I was a little kid, and when we moved to Utah I remember crying so hard because I was going to miss those dinners more than anything else. Now it is so fun for me to watch my kids get so excited about going to Granny's for dinner!
As I was thinking about our family last night, I realized that it is truly rare to have such a big group of people that unconditionally love each other the way our family does. And who honestly like to be around each other. I can't think of any other family that I know of that is this way. Our family is full of honest, loyal, non-judgemental, trustworthy, loving, caring people. I am proud to say I am a part of it.
I can't imagine what it must be like to not have a family to fall back on in times of need. I know that my family is there for me whenever I need a soft place to fall and it is such a great feeling. Knowing that families are forever, I am comforted that I will never be alone. I am so blessed to have you all!
I may not tell you each individually, but I am truly grateful to each of you for just being a part of my extended family. You impact my life by just the simplest things; a smile, a hug, a laugh, a hello. Don't ever think you don't matter to me because each of you do. And I love you all. Nothing makes me happier than seeing all of us going through this life happy and healthy, getting married, having kids, grandkids, etc. and enjoying it with each other!
Thank You!


Monroe Family said...

Good to hear from you Tina! Yes, Tate is walking and talking. He already thinks he is way too big to have to hold my hand. He has tasted freedom now that he can walk and there is no turning back :)

The Jones Family said...

Tina I love your post! Im so greatful to have sunday dinners too! We are lucky with regards to family! Its like the highlight of my week! Thanks for the great post! I love you to, and you know I'd be there for you in a second!

Britttany said...

i could not have said it any better tina. we are all blessed to have been born into the tarwater family. we have great heritage and i get so excited to go to granny's on sundays, mondays' wednesdays, and saturday's! hahahah.

Anonymous said...

it's so true! there is just so much i want to say but i dont know how. oh i know! just write me a script and i'll say it.

Terisetta said...

Tina I am not sure what annonymous was trying to say but you did say how you felt very beautifully! Next time I need help expressing myself in writting I am going to ask you for help. Thank you for always making those times we get together something to look forward to!