Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I've Been Tagged Too!!!

I was tagged by Brittany (sorry it took so long, I seriously can't think of 6 interesting unknown things about me)...

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Hopefully there is something new you never knew about me!

1. On my 16th birthday I went to our neighbors house and Donny Osmond was there. It was one of the first times I had met him so I was SO star-struck! So we're all outside talking and all of the sudden Donny came running at me and threw me in the swimming pool. Now keep in mind I was fully dressed and had on BRAND NEW leather sandals! But, how could I be mad...That night at my birthday party he gave me one of his CD's that he had written "All washed up at 16" on the front of! I still have it to this day!

2. When I had Chandler (my 1st) something went REALLY wrong with my epidural and it numbed me from the chest down. My heart all but stopped and when I woke up I was surrounded by nurses and doctors! I spent the remaining 5 or 6 hours throwing up all the medication they had given me to bring me back to "life" and running a fever until he was finally born. (Can you believe I still had two more?)

3. I LOVE sports!!! I love to play & watch sports. Although I don't play much anymore I used to play a lot and LOVED it (back me up here were there). I love watching the Diamondbacks, ASU, and mostly the Phoenix Suns! Funny thing is though, I would rather watch my brothers, my kids or my dad play than any professional game.

4. I had such a great wedding proposal! The day Bryant proposed he sent me a dozen roses at work that told me to meet him in the temple (St. George) visitor's center. So after work I go there and the sister missionaries at the desk ask me my name and I tell them, and they said, "Oh he called and said he was going to be late, but he wanted you to have this" and they pulled out another dozen roses and a card. They told me he wanted me to meet him in the gazebo outside. So as I'm walking to the gazebo I'm reading the card. I get to the gazebo and he was there waiting for me with another dozen roses (can you guess that I really love roses?). So he of course starts acting like nothing's up and says I have something for you (so now I'm thinking oh man, he really is going to propose)...and he pulls out some mint chocolate truffles (another one of my favorites). So after a lot more stalling he finally says, oh I got you this too (he had the ring hidden in the rafters of the gazebo). I was so happy and couldn't stop crying! I should also mention that he had just had back surgery and wasn't allowed to ride in a car, so he walked like 5 or 6 miles (at least)to get to the temple!

5. "I hated high school. I can lie and say it was so much fun, but that would be a lie. I really was glad it ended and never would want to do it again. I loved graduating and had so much more fun after high school." Okay so that is what Brittany wrote and I'm leaving it because I feel the EXACT same way! I was friends with my friends away from school (and many of them I didn't go to school with) so I HATED high school! I haven't looked back since graduation day!

6. Each of my boys is named after somebody in my family! Chandler's middle name is Dwayne (same as Bryant, my dad and my brother David), Kayden's middle name is Allen (same as my father-in-law and my brother Brian), and Hunter's middle name is Ryan (same as my brother Michael). I didn't have enough kids to get to Jeramy, or any girls to get to Teesha...but I love that each of them has something "special" about their name!

Now I tag Tiffany (I waited so long I only have 1 person to tag)!


The Jones Family said...

fun Tina I didn't know really any of those things. Scary i can't believe you had more kids after that experience with chandler!!

Britttany said...

oh my gosh how did i not know any of these, especially that proposal? can i saw WOW!! thank you for sharing that with us!

teesha & joel said...

YAY i'm your sister and i knew a lot of these 1. donny osmond pshhh i swam in his hot tub in nothing but undies once..and almost drowned (i was like 5)even then i just sunk like a rock in a swimming pool 2. i was there :) 3. this ones debatable..i thought us girls were united in the decision that when one of the boys flipped the channel to sports we said CHANGE IT! 4. i knew it was at the temple and had 3 dozen roses but i dont remember hearing the details..cute! 5. ok i didnt know this but thats not fair cause i dont even remember you being in highschool..i only remember you bringing me with you home to cedar where you went to college AND 6. i definitely knew this and how unfair it is that you didnt name someone after me...i'm sure hunter wouldn't have minded his middle name being lynn! ...there now you know how much i know you. i also know i have the best sister EVER and love her TOO much and know her WAY too well haha..xoxo miss you!

Monroe Family said...

Tate's middle name is Elwood after my grandpa...I agree with you...I want all my kids middle names to mean something!!

LACY said...

Tina you were so sweet at ward basketball, we kicked butt and at softball. So fun. Did you see the Osmonds on TV. Loved that they lived on our street. The Dias kids have been tearing it up at Pine View. Anyway, Fun to read your comments.

Tarwater Family said...

Okay, so I new most of those. But, I guess that is what comes with living with you and all of those long drives to St. Goerge. How could I not want to know about the person who is my best friend and a great role model to her sibilings. Tina is not only a great friend but a big sister who is always there for me and always lends her ear, shoulder, and great advise. I love you Tina, ( I hope you already knew that).

Brianna said...

Come post already:)

Brianna said...

Oh...and I didn't know any of those things about you!