Monday, December 3, 2007

My Baby's First Day of Preschool!

So today Hunter went to preschool for the first time!! It is a preschool called Apples to Zebras. He was so excited, as we pulled up in the parking lot and I turn off the car to get out he says, "All right bye mom". I was like, "I'm coming in with you for a minute" and he's like "oh do you have to pay for me to go?". Haha... but he loved it and they made the cutest craft there today.

I got some Christmas wrapping done while he was there so that was nice too! He only goes for 2 hours, but from now until Christmas break he goes M-Th, then starting after the new year he goes M-W-F for 2 hours each day. I think he is really going to love it. He is getting really bored at home lately with the boys in school all day, so this is so fun for him.
His birthday is Wednesday and he will be 4!! I can't believe how fast time flies!


Monroe Family said...

Yay for Hunter!! Tina, what do you do with your spare time now that Hunter is in preschool?

Anonymous said...

this makes me sad :( i miss hearing the cute things your kids say! and hunter's not allowed to get older without me there watching. i'm going to write to him and kayden again now. and tell chandler to write me back too!!

Tiffanyrose said...

I love having my kids at home but it is so nice and quiet when they are away at school. I feel like I can do anything! Why did I ever think that having just the one was so hard? I look back on that after having three and think "Wow, That was nothing comoared to three!!"

Gail Colleran said...

How exciting for Hunter! And, for you..:) We miss you guys! How fun would it be to get together during the day with no kids. I'm keeping busy with crocheting and knitting when the boys are at school. So, nice to see and hear what's going on in your lives. Maybe next year - June we could get together? last 2 weeks in June the boys are off from school.

Britttany said...

wow i had no idea he was old enough to attend preschool. your baby's all grown up. how fun for him and you so you can get a few things done while he is in school!

The Jones Family said...

How cute is hunter in that pic!!! your baby is all grown up!

Coartney Wright said...

your boys are getting so big they are so stinkin cute!!! what are you going to do with your time now?!!! i think i would just sleep!! ha ha!